I recently went to Dayton Ohio for the annual Hamvention. While there I always try and get in a visit to the USAF Museum at Wright Patterson AFB. I love seeing the planes and missiles, and it’s a great place to get my steps in.
This museum is home to the Apollo 15 command module capsule. That made me think, what capsules have I seen? Our friends at NASA conveniently have a list, so let’s do a check in:
Apollo 6 – Fernbank Science Center, Atlanta GA
Need it
Apollo 7 – Frontiers of Flight Museum, Dallas, Texas
Need it
Apollo 8 – Chicago Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago, Illinois
Need It
Apollo 9 – “Gumdrop” – San Diego Air and Space Museum, San Diego, California
Need it
Apollo 10 – “Charlie Brown” – Science Museum, London, England
Visited 19-October-2022

Apollo 11 – “Columbia” – The National Air and Space Museum, Washington, D.C.
Visited 11-May-2021

Apollo 12 – “Yankee Clipper” – Virginia Air and Space Center, Hampton, Virginia
Need it
Apollo 13 – “Odyssey” – Kansas Cosmosphere and Space Center, Hutchinson, Kansas
Need it
Apollo 14 – “Kitty Hawk” – Visitor’s Center, Kennedy Space Center, Florida
Visited 23-February-2024 – Photo Needed
Apollo 15 – “Endeavor” – USAF Museum, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio
Visited 16-May-2024

Apollo 16 – “Casper” – U.S. Space and Rocket Center, Huntsville, Alabama
Visited 09-July-2020

Apollo 17 – “America” – NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas
Visited 21-October-2021

Apollo-Soyuz – California Science Center, Los Angeles, California
Visited Center 07-Oct-2021 but not photographed.